Meatless/Mooless Monday
Eat Meat? Go Veg once a week! Already Vegitarian? Go Vegan!
(more about veg-ism)

"summer express :: 101 simple vegan meals ready in 10 minutes or less™"

Seriously! 10 minutes ("doesn't count time to boil water, cook rice, etc."). And GREAT dishes!

Just to whet your appetite, here are the first two:

1. Chop a cup of fresh mixed herbs with best quality extra virgin olive oil and 4 cloves of minced garlic in a pan. Serve over spaghetti or thin spaghetti, with a sprinkle of red pepper flakes.

2. Open a can of white or pink beans. Mix with olive oil, salt, minced garlic and a bunch of fresh chopped organic spinach in a pan. Cook, stirring until the spinach is wilted and the beans are warmed through. Sprinkle with nutritional yeast. Serve with a green side salad.

Go read the other 99 for yourself.

You'll surely find several tasty, easy ways to "Live and Let Live"!

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