Meatless/Mooless Monday
Eat Meat? Go Veg once a week! Already Vegitarian? Go Vegan!
(more about veg-ism)

More "Meatless Monday" on Facebook

Facebook has several "Meatless Monday" groups.

So why am I reinventing the wheel?

One reason is that activity on these pages is infrequent. I can sympathize: Meatless/Mooless Mnday is slow getting off the ground too. I think that my secret weapon-- Blogger's "Scheduled Posts" feature--will help.

I can write several posts at a time, and schedule them over a period of weeks. This keeps things fresh, and maximizes my efficiency. (I've already scheduled twice-weekly posts--plus a Sunday reminder--until the end of June! (I'm writing this on June 5.)

Another factor that sets M/MM apart from the others is that they mostly concentrate on one reason to "go veg," like the environment, or health. As you know, we have FIVE reasons (do it for Yourself, The Animals, Others, The World, and God/s).

Note that the "Groups" below can only be viewed by Facebook members; "Pages" (like mine) can be viewed by anyone.

Here are the groups, in no particular order:

Meatless Monday group created by JJ McCarthy

  • Tidbit from the page: "Miss a Monday? Don't worry, there will always be another one. Or pick another day."

Meatless Monday group run by Cari Lindahl and Christi Fields

  • Tidbit from the page: "You save more water by not eating a pound of beef than you do by not showering for a year." (And don't miss Kris Rodney's great post "Why Meatless Monday")

Meatless Monday group run by Sam Mac and Sara Ann Macc

  • Tidbit from the page: Interesting facts on greenhouse gases

I'm Meatless on Monday to Save the Planet group created by Ophelia Reid

  • Tidbit from the page: As the title says, focuses specifically on environmental issues

Meatless Monday, page created by (Remember, this is a PAGE; anyone can see it)

  • This is the Facebook presence for a large health-consciousness campaign, found at I'll tell you more about them in my next post.

I encourage you to join the other groups and contribute to the activity there.

(And don't forget to contribute to the activity here, too!)

Until next time, Live and Let Live.

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