Meatless/Mooless Monday
Eat Meat? Go Veg once a week! Already Vegitarian? Go Vegan!
(more about veg-ism)

Find a Friend

Nothing makes "going veg" easier than finding a friend.

If you can't find one in the real world, check online! There are groups sharing local restaurant tips, cooking classes, shopping information, and all kinds of goodies.

If you're on Facebook, search for a group in your area (I've just been invited to Hong Kong Vegan, just across the border from Shenzhen).

If that doesn't work, try a search on Meetup. And if all else fails, go to Google and put in "vegetarian" or "vegan" and the name of a large city near you.

You may be surprised at how many of us are out there!

Join up with some friends to Live and Let Live!

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